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How to view statistics of personal profile CS: GO

How to view statistics of personal profile CS: GO

Any kind of eSports provides personal statistics, and CS: GO is no exception. This section allows you to view the level of game skill on various parameters. In particular, the percentage of victory, the number of murders, accuracy of shots, time in the game, MVP in rounds and headshot.

CS: GO also provides the ability to track bans, compare gamers, view the statistics of tournaments, matches and maps, as well as player ranks and determine clear favorites. Also personal statistics CS: GO profile is an excellent motivating factor that makes you improve your game skills. In addition, you can analyze csgo case sites.

Easy ways to view statistics in CS: GO

Valve has opened access to statistics on Steam, which a few years ago was not available in CS: GO player profiles. Such a step of a developer of computer games was encouraged by the European Union, as a new decree “to strengthen the protection of personal information in the EU” came into force. Immediately note that the statistics CS:GO is displayed online and for free.

However, some users argue that the official website Steam has no normal tools that allow you to fully view your statistics CS: GO or a friend. Therefore, many players use third-party resources to track the necessary statistical information. For example, the mobile application Stats for CS: GO, you can download for free on the Android device in the online store Google Play, as well as sites, or

To find out your statistics CS: GO through the application you need: download a custom client, install the program on your cell phone or tablet and lead nickname. To view detailed information you should click on the active button “Menu” and select one of the 4 sections. Only consider that statistics CS: GO is displayed in English.

To view CS: GO account statistics using third-party sites, you do not even need to have a profile in Steam. It’s enough to enter a link to a specific player, SteamID or share code in a special line. The resource will quickly find and display all the available information on the monitor screen.

Through the site you can view the state of the match in CS: GO, but only after the matches or the status of ranks in CS: GO. In the first option, if more detailed statistics are needed, you should take your own matchcode.

To do this, log in to your matches on the game server, select any of the matches from the list and click on the “Copy link” icon. Then on go to “Match analizer” and enter the copied link. On this page you will find detailed information on the game parameters.

Also this site allows you to view the status in CS: GO ranks. Simply go to the section “Ranks Data”. Depending on the choice, this section provides: favorites table, statistical information of all users and the number of wins at each rank in percentage. CS: GO status by rank is displayed for the last 30 days.

Today it is difficult to find and track the status of players in CS: GO, because professionals have several accounts and are constantly hidden under different nicknames. All that is published on popular resources – game statistics of a particular eSportsman. In particular, the site in the section “Pro Stats” publishes data on the best players. Also cs go case opening free can help you.

Detailed statistics on CS: GO tournaments can be found on another popular resource in the section “Tournaments”. The tab contains information on the following important indicators:

  1. Teams of participants.
  2. Tournaments prize fund.
  3. Date and time of viewings.
  4. Peak of visitors.